The Aloha Salsa Team

The Muchachos

Our team consists of varying backgrounds, each contributing an integral part to what makes us, us. We believe in working together to create a communal product that is not only healthy, but tastes fresh and exciting.

The Muscle

Michael Malala

As a serial entrepreneur and former University of Hawaii football standout, Michael brings the unique twist of personality and drive to Aloha Salsa.  His workouts keep the team fresh and ready to eat whatever creation Chef Fabio concocts.  While you won’t find anyone with a more unique knowledge of the island.  Next time you see him at a local market ask him about his last hike or some secret spots only he would know.


Fabio Kerr

Brazilian born and raised, Chef Fabio moved to the USA at the age of 14 where he attended high school in Houston, Texas. Shortly after graduation he enlisted in the Marine Corps where he served honorably for 8 years. Post service he attended the University of Alaska where he fell in love with food and cooking, after completing his culinary arts program he and his wife moved to Hawaii. After working at numerous prestigious restaurants he decided he wanted to be his own boss, that’s when Aloha Salsa Co. was born, where he is currently the Director of Flavor.