Product Refund
Aloha Salsa Co does not currently accept refunds due to the expiry nature of the product. All sales are considered as-is and the owner understands this in the purchase of the product. And, gives their consent when they purchase. We make every effort to ship the product within a timely manner and ensure the freshness for consumption.
If you receive a product that you think is faulty or has quality issues please contact us through email at We will do everything we can to rectify and replace the product for you.
This includes merchandise such as t-shirts, stickers, and hard goods.
Product Replacement
If you receive a product that is defective we will happily replace the salsa for you. We understand that issues can arise causing problems. And, if this is a result of our service, production, or quality we happily replace the product for you.
Defective is defined and determined by us. We view a defective product as one being spoiled due to overexposure, poor or faulty packaging, delays in shipping, and lack of quality ingredients.